Quick, easy, insightful wellbeing surveys


School budgets are under pressure more than ever before, so EduKit responded by developing
low-cost anonymous wellbeing surveys.
This means you can still identify areas of concern , and also evidence change and improvement over time if you choose to run it again, all without committing to a contract.

  • No automatic rolling contracts
    (these surveys are a one-off low cost payment)

  • No GDPR concerns about identifiable student data
    (these surveys are anonymous)

  • No management of online credentials
    (we send you a pdf report and all the survey data once the survey closes)

Download an example report to see how your student data will be presented.


If you’d like to run a student or staff wellbeing survey at your school, please place an order.

Easy order process

  1. Choose which surveys you want (you get a 30% discount if you order both the staff and student surveys)

  2. Choose your preferred survey close date (anytime up to 8 weeks away)

  3. Make the low-cost payment by bank transfer or with an online card payment

  4. We’ll send the survey URL which you can share with your students or staff

  5. After the survey close date, we’ll compile the report and email it to you

Example chart from the student wellbeing report